Attention to detail. Hands on customer service. Pride in workmanship. These are just a few of the qualities that our clients continuously state about Smetter Homes. We believe that taking care of our clients today will pay off 10 fold in the future.
That is why when we are building one of our completely custom homes for someone we care about their input. We want you to assist in picking out the type of carpet that you want, the color that you want the bathroom to be, the type of light fixtures you want in the pantry.
We use superior materials and construction, like standard 2×6 exterior walls. Marvin Windows, one of the best windows available on the market, are built into every one of our homes. We offer a whole-house comfort package including expanding foam insulation and a mechanical air exchanger to balance your home to your own comfort level, not nature’s. Ask us about how Smetter Custom Homes can build you a home that virtually eliminates your outdoor allergy problems.
No task is too big or too small for we understand what “custom” stands for. Will we make suggestions on what we think will look great? Absolutely! But at the end of the day it is your home and your dream that we are building. We are simply here to help you achieve your dream.
We are proud members of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln (HBAL). We also partner with Union Bank and Trust to offer you competitive home construction loan rates, should you choose to carry your own construction loan, and also competitive home loans.
Call Jeni Meyer, our exclusive listing agent, for more details. 402-770-6624 or